Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki
Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki

The EPF Command Room (full name Elite Penguin Force Command Room) was the prime base of operations for the Elite Penguin Force. It was located underneath the Everyday Phoning Facility along with the HQ.

From here, agents could access the minigame System Defender and cold also access the Field-Ops terminal. Along with that, agents could use Tube Transport to enter the Recon room. In the center of the room, there was also a convert station with up to ten seats and a large monitor that could display different screens.

It was opened on February 12, 2017 on Flash. It was later closed on December 31, 2020 due to Flash ending support. It was later reopened on January 21, 2021 in HTML5, but was later closed again on April 13, 2022 due to Club Penguin Rewritten shutting down.



Main article: Operation: Blackout

The EPF Command Room suffered major damages by Herbert P. Bear, taking out the Tube Transport and the VR Room.


Main article: The EPF and PSA Rebuild

During the rebuild plans, it was decided that the VR Room would not be rebuilt after its complete destruction. Instead the Recon room was constructed which the rebuilt Tube Transport lead to since then.

Strange Occurrences[]

Main article: Halloween Party 2020

In the weeks leading up to the Halloween Party 2020, there were several strange occurrences in the EPF Command Room. The Field-Ops terminal was glitched, and the large center monitor was also broken.


  • If you moved your mouse over the recycling bin found in the center of the room, it filled with paper.
  • If you moved your mouse over the discs located near the cabinet, they flipped.
  • The TV had several channels, almost all of which were just higher resolution versions of the same one found on the HD TV.
    • The fireplace channel on the TV used several twigs instead of logs.
    • During Operation: Blackout and onward, if you clicked on the TV, The Director would say "The road is long, but the EPF will rise again." Click on it again, and the TV would display the normal channels.
  • If you clicked the lights at the top of the screen from left to right, the lights would turn off. Clicking any light wold turn them back on again.
  • When all the seats around the table were filled, the lights turned off and a spinning green EPF logo appeared on the TV, followed by a map of sorts with three dots, presumably locations. Next, it zoomed in on one dot, which made 2 more appear. Suddenly, the dots slowly gained lines that connect, and proceeded to show a few images of multiple places around Club Penguin Island, including the Beach, the Everyday Phoning Facility, and the Cove. Then, it went on to the second dot from the original three, which brung up a bar graph and a line graph. Lastly, on the last of the three original dots, a paragraph (contents unreadable) appeared along with other data instances. Then the screen went to static, the original channel went on, the lights turned back on (assuming they were on beforehand, otherwise they would remain off), and everything returned to normal.
Camwood777 epfroom tv lowres bug

A demonstration of the low-resolution EPF monitor bug. Notice the otherwise invisible portion of the floor and the penguin to the right.

  • A visual bug happened if the player toggled low-res mode with the = key, and the player changed the TV channel by clicking it. During the static animation, the player could actually see behind the TV's "static", including parts of the map that were normally hidden, such as part of the top floor. In addition, if a player hid behind the TV's side, they would be visible during the transition.


Graphical designs[]


Geographic location[]


Archive EPF Command Room Archives

  • Archived files on this topic can be found here