Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki

Emoticons or emotes are faces and symbols that can be used to express how penguins feel, similar to emojis. They appear in speech bubbles above the player head, similar to the chat function, and some will also make a noise. Some emoticons are temporary, and are only available during specific parties or events while others are permanent.

Emoticons can be accessed by clicking on the "Emote Menu" or by pressing E, followed by its responding button on the keyboard, which are listed below.

List of Emotes[]

Available Emotes[]

Emoticons that are currently available.

Image Description Code
Laugh Emoticon
Laughing Face E+1
Happy emoticon
Happy Face E+2
Straight Face Emoticon
Indifferent Face E+3
Sad Emoticon
Sad Face E+4
Surprised Emoticon
Surprised Face E+5
Raspberry Face Emoticon
Poking Out Tongue Face E+6
Wink Emoticon
Winking Face E+7
Sick Face E+8
Mad Face E+9
Moody Emoticon
Upset Face E+0
Ice Cream emoticon
Strawberry Ice Cream Cone E+Q
Chocolate Ice Cream Emoticon
Chocolate Ice Cream Cone E+W
Music Note Emoticon
Toot E+T
Hmm Emoticon
Meh Face E+U
Igloo Emoticon
Igloo E+I
Popcorn Emoticon
Popcorn E+O
Blue Puffle Emoticon
Blue Puffle E+P
Day Emoticon
Sun E+D
Flower Emote
Flower E+F
Game Emoticon
Video Game Controller E+G
Heart Emoticon

Heart Emoticon
Heart E+H
Cake E+K
Screenshot 1147
Shamrock E+L
Pizza Emote
Pizza E+Z
Coffee Cup Emoticon
Coffee E+C
Lightbulb Emoticon
Light Bulb E+B
Night Emoticon
Moon and Stars E+N
Coin E+M
Question Mark Emoticon
Question Mark Shift+/
Exclamation Point Emoticon
Exclamation Point Shift+1
Waddle On Party Waving emoticon
Waving None

Temporary Emotes[]

Emoticons that were only available during certain parties.

Image Description Party
Pirate Emote
Pirate Island Adventure Party: Rockhopper's Quest
Clown Emote
Clown The Fair 2019
Cheering Emote
Cheering The Fair 2019, Soccer Mommy Concert
Coins for Change Emote
Coins for Change Holiday Party 2019
Present Emote
Santa Hat Penguin Emote
Santa Hat Penguin
Yellow Heart Emote
Yellow Heart Soccer Mommy Concert
Cheering Emote 2

(Music Jam 2020 only)
Cheering Emote 2 Soccer Mommy Concert, Music Jam 2020
Red Heart Emote
Red Heart Music Jam 2020
Clapping Emote Aqua
Clapping Emote Arctic Blue
Clapping Emote Arctic White
Clapping Emote Black
Clapping Emote Blue
Clapping Emote Brown
Clapping Emote Dark Green
Clapping Emote Dark Purple
Clapping Emote Green
Clapping Emote Lavender
Clapping Emote Light Blue
Clapping Emote Lime Green
Clapping Emote Orange
Clapping Emote Peach
Clapping Emote Pink
Clapping Emote Red
Clapping Emote Yellow
Smiling Face with Hearts
Smiling Face with Hearts
Amazed Eyes
Amazed Eyes
Musical Notes
Musical Notes
Vampire Emote
Vampire Halloween Party 2020
Halloween 2013 Emoticons Pumpkin
Ghost Emote

Unavailable Emotes[]

Emoticons that were removed or were never available and have only been seen around Club Penguin Island.

Image Description Notes
Blue Emote
Blue Mouthless Face Only seen in the Server List and the old Buddy List.
Mouthless Emote
Mouthless Face Only seen in the Buddy List.
Star Emote
Star Only seen in the Buddy List, Sled Racing, Card-Jitsu loading screen, Card-Jitsu Fire loading screen, Dance Contest multiplayer, and the Membership Badge.
Skull Emoticon
Skull Only seen in the Ignore List.
Modern Laugh Emote
Updated Laughing Face Only seen in the old Rules.
Modern Videogame Controller
Updated Video Game Controller Only seen in the Rules.
Life Preserver Emote
Life Preserver Ring
Speech Bubble Emote
Speech Bubbles
Gray Surprised Emote
Gray Surprised Face Only seen in Night of the Living Sled 1.
A Silly Place King Emoticon
King Only seen in A Silly Place.
A Silly Place Tounge Emoticon
Meh Tongue Face
Silly Emote Cookie
Silly Cookie Only seen on the cookie plate during the Club Penguin 14th Anniversary Party.
Cheering Emote 2 Ocean Blue
Cheering Emote 2 (Ocean Blue) Only seen in the interface.swf during the Music Jam 2020 due to a bug.
Clapping Emote Ocean Blue
Clapping (Ocean Blue) Only seen in the interface.swf during the Music Jam 2020 due to a bug.


The sound the toot emoticon makes when used.

