Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki

My Puffle was a Paint By Letters book written by the Snowball Press. It was found in the Book Room's Book Shelf.

The goal of the game was to create your own story about walking with your puffle by picking what events will take place from a list of options.


The main flow of the story was about going out for a walk with your puffle and having the best day at a given location on the island.

Story Text[]

My puffle is <(color, depends on puffle walked, blue if default)> and likes to go for long walks. It likes to go to the (Dock-Beach-Forest-Cove) to look for penguins wearing <penguin color> just like me. One day when we were walking, my pet found two <penguin color> penguins with (boots-shoes-ties) on their (heads!-flippers!) My <puffle color> puffle and I started (giggling-smiling-crying) because it was so silly. Then we both put (boots-shoes-ties) on our (heads-flippers) and spent the rest of the day at the (Dock-Beach-Forest-Cove) (giggling-smiling-crying) and having fun! It was the best day at the (Dock-Beach-Forest-Cove) ever! The End.

Hidden Coin Locations[]

The minimum amount of coins you can get is 50. However, there were also some hidden coins which gave you a bonus 20 coins each. The maximum amount of coins you could get was 250 coins.

  • Page 1: When the puffle left, the player would hold the door handle and push it back.
  • Page 2
    • Beach: The player had to pull the big green pail on the left to the top of the page and then quickly click on the coin.
    • Dock: The player had to click on the top of the pump that the penguin was using.
    • Forest: The player had to lift up the fire fighter's hat.
    • Cove: The player had to lift up the girl penguin's hair.
  • Page 3
    • Beach: When the Lighthouse appears, the player had to pull it to the top of the screen then quickly obtain the coin.
    • Dock: Before the player typed the text, they had to lift the motorboat up out of the screen, then let go.
    • Forest: Before the player typed the text, they had to lift up the large rock behind the snowbank on the right of the tree in the center.
    • Cove: The player had to lift up the stairs on the top left of the page.
  • Page 4: Any choice: The player had to click your mouse on the sky and drag down.
  • Page 5: This coin appeared in the same location as the coin on page 4, but it moved around.


See also[]
