Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki
Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki

Case of the Missing Puffles was the first PSA mission, focusing on the unreported disappearances of Aunt Arctic's purple and green puffles.

Spoiler alert: Plot and/or ending details follow.


Can you describe your puffles to me - The Missing Puffles

'Can you describe your puffles to me?'

The mission began with you in Aunt Arctic's Igloo. After talking to her, it was revealed that two of her puffles hid in her camera bag on one of her outings; eventually leaving the safety of their owner and going to explore the island.

After you finished speaking with Aunt Arctic, you had to exit her igloo; from here you had to head to the Ice Rink. Once at the ice rink, you could find a quest item - images of a green puffle. You then had to pick the images up and put them in your inventory. For the secret mission, you had to go back to Aunt Arctic's igloo and give the pictures to her.

Green Puffle Images - The Missing Puffles

The mysterious images.

Back in the main mission, you had to head to the Sport Shop and talk to G. Once you got your first dialogue selection, you had to ask him if he had any 'SPECIAL items'; this would prompt him to ask you how many socks he owned. To answer his question, you had to go to the Pet Shop, scroll to the left, and click the note hidden behind a kennel. Using the code to decrypt the message, If done right, should have given you the total amount of socks G had. Finally, You had to return to G and give him your answer.

When given the correct answer, G opened the cupboard to your right; allowing you to use some spy gadgets. You had to take both items since they were needed later in the mission.

Going to the Iceberg, you would see a collection of penguins packed close together on a small fragment of the ice berg. With the Life Preserver Shooter claimed from G, you had to click on them. This would start a small mini-game. You had to fire at the penguins using your mouse (take into account wind direction and velocity). Once all penguins were saved, you had to talk to the one wearing green. He would say he saw two puffles; and that he could not see them properly due to not being 'high up'.

Please fix my telecope - The Missing Puffles

'Please, will you help?'

Using this statement, you had to head to the Ski Hill where you would see a brown penguin sat crying next to his broken telescope. When talking to the penguin, he would ask you to fix his telescope.

Mission 1 Tallest Mountain base

Tallest Mountain of Club Penguin!

To fix his telescope, you had to go to your Spy Phone and press 'tools'. Clicking and dragging the wrench over to the tripod and releasing your finger from your mouse., this would fix the telescope. You then thad to travel to the Tallest Mountain. Once there, you had to 'look up', go into your inventory, and drag the Grappling Hook to somewhere on the mountain side (it did not matter where).

Once up, you had to talk to the green puffle which, in turn, led you to a purple puffle.

Spoilers end here.


Ice Rink Snorkeler

The "Peek-a-Boo" penguin.

  • This mission marked the very first appearance of Gary the Gadget Guy.
  • If you clicked the marking of a red circle with a dot in the center next to the puffle pictures at the Ice Rink, a saw would cut the circle and a red penguin would appear saying "Peek-a-Boo".
  • This mission was one of only two PSA Missions that did not involve Herbert or Klutzy in some way.




