Club Penguin Rewritten Wiki

The Test Chamber was one of Gary the Gadget Guy's inventions. It appeared in all of the PSA Missions in which the Gadget Room was accessible, but was broken until the 7th mission. The fixed version had an extra gear on its left, darker light bulbs, and a different "freeze" button.

Role in Missions[]

The Test Chamber was fixed and available for use in Mission 7 and had to be operated by the agent to make a gear for the Clock Tower. It was used again in Mission 11 to fill a can with water and then freeze it, to create a lens for the Beacon Telescope.


There were three buttons on the Test Chamber: Fire, Water, and Snow. Each button would perform its own task, respectively. The buttons are elements either by coincidence or perhaps the buttons were put in as a reference to the elements at the Dojo Courtyard.

  • The fire button heated or burned off the object placed.
  • The water button cooled off an object or filled something up with water.
  • The snow button freezed an object. Before Mission 7, its icon was a fan rather than a snowflake.


  • Despite the chamber appearing in every mission from 4 and onward, it was only used in Missions 7 and 11.